SSM are developing a new high-performance metals distribution facility.

After 20 December 2024, our services will be provided from this facility located at 33-41 Airdrie Road, Ranui, Auckland 0612

Heat Treating Foil

It is a special Stainless Steel alloy foil, commonly used for tool wrap applications.

The stainless steel tool wrap provides a quick and low-cost method of protecting the surface of tools, dies, and other parts during the hardening process by preventing decarburisation (scaling). Protecting the surface of your tools is simple, achieved using the FOIL to create envelopes. These tool wrap envelopes lock out the air and, as a result, eliminate the need for expensive protective atmosphere furnaces.

Foil Dimensions

0.05mm t x 610mm wide x 10000mm long 

Product Overview Availability Datasheet
Stainless Steel Foil

0.05mm x 610mm

10000mm per roll.

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